Jonah is doing well- eating rice cereal like a champ and making friends with other 5-month-old children at church. He likes to jump and has started laughing. He finds it especially funny when you follow him up or down the stairs. What can I say? He's a genius!
Josh and I still own a house in Nashville. I'm thinking of it as our summer home. We may be in Nashville for a while this summer while Josh is teaching an online summer course. If the house doesn't sell.
Seems like that my whole life is contingent on our house and it's sale status.
Josh may have convinced me to build a house out of shipping containers. If our house sells.
Oh yes- and I cut my hair. I hadn't really told anyone (like my Mom- hi Mom!) I just decided to do it last Saturday. The Asian woman who cut it got it straight and did it the way I asked. No more crazy haircuts.
It's warming up here in OKC and you know what that means... Tornadoes! We had one come about 5 to 10 miles from here the other night. The roads flooded and it rained a lot. I'm really just looking forward to wearing shorts and taking Jonah to the park.
Well, that's all for now. I promise to post again before Jonah's 1st birthday.
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