We haven't had a headboard since we got rid of our sweet little full-sized bed (the trade-off has been worth it) and sometimes it drives me a little crazy.
I was called back so fast that i didn't have the presence of mind to check the issue, or steal the magazine or anything, so when I got home and started talking about this headboard to my poor husband, he was just at a loss. I googled the bed, the magazine... I scoured the website to see if they had a picture somewhere. No luck.
Almost everything on my list has been completed- everything I can do anyway. There's just one more thing on my list, and I don't really get to decide when that happens. I'm not due until the 31st (still 16 days away) and I went 8 days overdue with Jonah. i could still be waiting in June, as hard as that is to believe. Still, I've already got people making THE comment.
"Haven't you had that baby yet????"
Seriously, People of the World, no pregnant woman wants to hear that. Obviously we're still here, or you wouldn't see us. Obviously we're still pregnant or there wouldn't be a giant bulge under our shirts. Obviously we're uncomfortable- wouldn't you be?
So, from me and all the other expectant Moms out there- Please, just say something nice about how lovely we look and leave it at that.
ooh, I want to see a picture. We need a headboard, too.
I keep meaning to post a picture, but I can't get my boys dressed and out of the bed.
Aw, Chara, you're so sweet. I'm sorry people are already asking you The Question. I totally understand not wanting to hear it and state the obvious answer. I very much appreciate your solution - say something nice about how pretty you are. Sounds good to me.
The headboard sounds great. Can't wait to see a picture of it. You guys are so crafty. :)
Miss you!
I really love the head board and I
understand why you do too. I see a
suitcase at the end of the bed!!
Ready, set, go. :)
Nana Carole
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