I'm currently in the throes of VBS. Beginning Sunday night we will be performing a 20 minute play every night on the life of Moses. I'm really enjoying the opportunity to act again- even though my lines are small and my role is largely supportive. The only thing is that I had a solo to sing on the first night. Had.
See, the song was "Tomorrow" from Annie. They had changed the words and I was supposed to sing for about three minutes tops. Did I mention that the main character in Annie is a young girl? And that I sing alto? It wasn't working very well even though we tried a few different things to lower the range and keep me where I needed to be. It was pretty much a train wreck. The only thing is that Moses has a huge costume change during the song so we couldn't just cut it.
So tonight I talked to our director and Larry suggested that we try something different. Instead of me singing- what if I used my fabulous education to (get this) tell the story. He asked me to go home and work on a short bit of storytelling that we could work with. So that's what I did tonight. I came home at 10:30 and looked up Exodus 2. I wish I had more information about Moses' life while he was gone from Egypt, but I think what I've got will work. I'll let you know how it goes.
What a blessing! Neat how God works things out, isn't it? I know you'll do grat. :)
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