Saturday, October 14

Happy Birthday Hadyn!!!

Once upon a time, Haydn had a 3rd Birthday. Her wonderful Aunt Chara had made her this wonderful felt dress-up book to keep her quiet during church. (See pattern here)

Haydn's Gran had made her a Barbie Cake. She was pretty excited about it, until...

...she realized they were going to set it on fire.

Oh Well! Instead she opened her presents with her Aunt Tara.

She got some sparkley Sunglasses that were really cool.

But she liked the Dress-up book her Aunt Chara had made her the best of all the gifts.

She played with it...

And played with it some more...

And wouldn't even eat cake because she was having so much fun!

And later, when she was napping, Daddy got to play!

1 comment:

Laura said...

oh, chara, what a cute idea. I'm so sad I missed it.