Wednesday, August 9

Magical Secrets

I finally fixed my blog format and I had to put new links on the links list, so I decided to add something new. I've added links to websites and blogs about and encouraging creativity. One of the websites I've found recently is based on a book called "The Magical Secrets of thinking Creatively." by kathan Brown. While I don't do etchings, I've found that the principals discussed in the book apply to all artistic endeavors and I thought I would put a couple of them up here with a few thoughts of my own...Here are Kathan Brown's suggestions:

Tips about Thinking Creatively in Everyday Life

Tip #5: Don’t Know What You Want. Don’t set goals. Just start working and get fully involved in what you are doing. If you get stuck, think about how many possibilities there are within the framework you’ve chosen. What can you use that’s at hand? it's always an amazing thing to me when i can get the opportunity to stand up in front of an audience and just tell a story that has been simmering in my mind... You sort of knw what you are doing, but you don't always realize the most important thing until it comes out of your mouth.

Tip #8: Use Every Tool. If a computer is your primary tool for what you do, try adding work done with tools you can hold in your hands. A trip to the art supply store may be just what you need to get your mind unstuck. On the other hand, if you’re not using computers for your art, you might consider that possibility. Old tools are deeply satisfying and should not be completely abandoned, but change is good. I've started using all sorts of things to organize my mind around a story. For instance, there's a computer program called Inspiration that you use to make visual oranizers of things. I've been outlining the story and then making a visual organizer to help me remember it and to help me think through aspects that may not be as filled out as others... Also, I color.

Tip #13: Own It. This Magical Secret will come to you automatically after you have mastered the other twelve. You cannot try to achieve it, but it will come. At some point you will know for sure, deep down, that you are doing your work, the work you should be doing. And at that point, the work is almost certain to be good. I'm still working ont his one. There are times when I am telling that the story truly belongs to me, and the audience's acceptance of the story is the deepest gift I have ever known.

Well, that's all I've got for now... I'm willing to post any other websites or blogs that might have creativity prompts, if you've got 'em.

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