Well, I am at work and I don't want to be here anymore. I am tired and I want a nap. At least I only get tired of work at 1/2 an hour before time to quit.
This picture is for Laura. It reminds me of the picture that Kate took of you and John...
By the way- a friend of mine called from NY today and told me that she wanted me to come up there in April to do a ladies day at her church. They even set a date and checked on plane tickets! Yay!
Oh yeah, minus the running, it is a similar composition.
Are they buying your plane ticket? How cool. Who do you know in New York?
I have a friend who just moved down there with her husband and baby. They are very involved with the church there and want to start doing more with it.
Of course they're buying me a plane ticket! Unless Tara learns to fly soon...
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